okt 3 2016

Close Up anniversary boat

Due to the band completely taking leave of their senses, they have decided (for some godforsaken reason no one really knows) to temporarily recruit their old so-called vocalist “Doctor” McWilliams. This, despite the fact that he is… well, himself.
General Surgery4
He’ll be joining the otherwise sane line up for some old-type singalongs on the Close Up old farts of death metal boat later this autumn, and trying his best not to completely ruin what would otherwise be a rather enjoyable set of gore-soaked ditties. We apologize in advance for everything pertaining to this rather unfortunate decision to once again briefly include him in our ranks.

okt 3 2016

Uppcoming shows

Upcoming shows
Close-up Baten Stockholm Sweden
Eindhoven Metal Meeting Eindhoven Netherlands
Modra Vopice Prague Czech Republic
Escape Vienna Austria
Chaos Blast Meating Munich Germany
Netherlands Deathfest Tilburg Netherlands